Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Top 100 2011 NFL Draft Prospects - by Matt De Lima

With the NFL season over for 30 of the 32 NFL teams, most NFL fans now turn their attention to the 2011 NFL Draft. This year’s class is fully loaded at the defensive end and defensive tackle positions. Ten of the top twenty spots on the Big Board are reserved for those two positions alone.

Many positions are either top heavy or a bit thin. At wide receiver, for example, there is a clear cut top three in Georgia’s A.J. Green, Alabama’s Julio Jones and Pittsburgh’s Jonathan Baldwin. Beyond that, the position is up for grabs.

Another position in a similar situation is cornerback. Many teams are in serious need of help at CB, but the draft only has two elite prospects: LSU’s Patrick Peterson and Nebraska’s Prince Amukamara. Both of those players should be selected in the top 10. The third corner will inevitably be a reach on the Big Board and no player has truly solidified himself as the third best corner.

Of course, you can’t talk about the NFL without talking about quarterbacks and this class is lacking a true superstar. Due to Stanford’s Andrew Luck opting to stay in school, the quarterback rankings are still in flux. The current buzz quarterback is Missouri’s Blaine Gabbert, who is projected top 10 pick. While Gabbert had a good year, he wasn’t dominant or special. Last year’s buzz quarterback, Washington’s Jake Locker, plummeted down draft boards after a poor 2010 season. But his precipitous fall has reversed and Locker has returned to a first-round projection.

For the Top 100 Prospects Click Here >>>>

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